Hendricks Power Distributes Holiday Break Bags for Local Youth
Staff sorting blessing bags

Hendricks Power Distributes Holiday Break Bags for Local Youth

Hendricks Power Cooperative employees made a meaningful impact this week by distributing holiday break bags to local blessings boxes, an initiative sparked by the organization’s commitment to addressing food insecurity among students during school breaks.

Hendricks Power Participates in 2023 Cooperative Community Day
Community Day Volunteering Collage

Hendricks Power employees participated in the tenth annual ‘Indiana’s Electric Cooperative Community Day’ on Friday, Oct. 13. Twenty co-op employees volunteered time and effort to complete projects for Webberland Baseball Field and West Bridge Community Church. Working side-by-side, these co-op employees demonstrated one of the core cooperative principles: concern for community. 

The Cooperative Love for Community

Guided by its Seven Cooperative Principles, Hendricks Power shows its love and support to its local community in various ways. With Valentine’s Day approaching, there's no better time to express how much HPC loves its community and serving the members of the co-op. Here are a few ways HPC supports its community throughout the year.

Hendricks Power and its Employees Support Veterans and Indy Honor Flight
Luckey presenting Operation Round-Up Check to Indy Honor Flight

"I never imagined the level of support we received from our members and professional partners when I began this project," says Steve Luckey, Manager of Construction Services at Hendricks Power.

Through RELITE, a rigorous two-year leadership program sponsored by Indiana Electric Cooperatives, Luckey was tasked with one last assignment before graduation - a capstone of his choosing to benefit his community. 

HPC Announces the Return of Youth Programs in 2022

Hendricks Power Cooperative has announced that in-person youth programs will return in 2022. Each year the organization provides sponsored programs to benefit local middle and high school students, including Camp Kilowatt, formerly Touchstone Energy Camp, and a Youth Tour Trip to Washington D.C.

Operation Round Up Contributes to Local Organizations

On behalf of Hendricks Power Cooperative and its members, a donation of $3,000 to the Putnam County Community Emergency Response Team, Inc (PCCERT) and a donation of $1,000 to the Bike Friendly Hendricks County (BFHC) were recently made.