power lines' rights-of-way to prevent service interruption in the most efficient and cost effective way possible


The Vegetation Management department at Hendricks Power Cooperative performs several different tasks, primarily the trimming and removal of trees around power lines. Often, trees or tree limbs come in contact with power lines and can result in a power outage. These service interruptions are not only inconvenient for our customers but are many times costly to the cooperative as well.

The right-of-way is cleared by cutting, trimming, mowing and where permissible, applying herbicides. In most cases, all shrubs, brush, and trees are removed under overhead electric distribution lines. The electric system is regularly inspected for dead, dying, and leaning dangerous trees. When found, they are marked and then trimmed below the lines, or removed, to eliminate the threat to electric distribution lines and equipment. This work is done annually by trained, professional utility line clearance contractors using the latest ANSI (American National Standards Institute) A300 nationally recognized tree-trimming standards.

Hendricks Power notifies members in advance that our tree trimming contractors will be working near power lines on their property by letter, email, and on our website. The contractor also knocks on doors prior to work being done. If no one is home, a doorknob card will be left. Please keep phone and email records up-to-date to ensure we can reach you.


During the remainder of March and early April, we will have tree crews continuing to work in the Plainfield area before transitioning into Brownsburg in mid-April and continuing through June. When completed, we will start in the Avon region during mid and late summer. We will also work the Tilden region (North side of Danville/West side of Avon) area later in the year as we progress in our trim schedule.

Often, our contractors will leave a "door hanger" on your door to indicate that we will soon be in the area. 



Hendricks Power uses herbicides to manage vegetation along overhead conductor corridors that has the potential to grow too close to the lines, causing unsafe and unreliable electric service. Read more below on basics of herbicides and how we use them.

Herbicides enable control of the entire plant and often only require one application every few years. This eliminates the need for much more frequent mechanical treatments, like tree trimming and mowing - meaning you’ll see our crews less often. Research has shown that herbicide used on rights-of-ways can create optimum wildlife habitats while promoting low-growing plant communities.

We evaluate sites prior to conducting vegetation management operations - ensuring that the right mechanical tool or herbicide product is used. We spot spray brush when possible to preserve desirable plants, and practice precision herbicide application techniques by using buffer zones between treatment areas and your property. The result is power lines and rights-of-ways that are clear of hazardous vegetation with minimal, if any, effect on adjacent or nearby properties.

We only apply herbicide products that have been approved for use on utility rights-of-ways by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. All herbicides used on our rights-of-ways are applied by Indiana State Certified Applicators.

Learn more about our Vegetation Management department, and how you can help! 


Hendricks Power will deliver wood chips accumulated during the normal course of right-of-way clearing to any member requesting them (when available). Please read the information below, and complete the request form. 

Wood chips are a by-product of our maintenance line clearance tree trimming work. Desired delivery sites must be clearly marked. The site must be easily accessible for a large truck. Hendricks Power may refuse to deliver the wood chips if it feels the conditions at the site may jeopardize the safety of employees, the general public, or cooperative equipment.

Once the chips have been delivered to the specified site, it will become the responsibility of the member making the request to redistribute the wood chips. Hendricks Power makes no guarantee to the quality, load size, type of condition of wood chips available. 

Please note:  Every attempt will be made to accommodate your request BUT Hendricks Power cannot guarantee time, date or delivery of wood chips. 

  1. Average size load contains approximately 12 cubic yards, which is about 3.5' high x 8 'wide x 12' long. 
  2. The mulch is full of green leaves and is in a compost stage from about April - October. 
  3. Green mulch takes approximately 4-6 weeks to deteriorate. Using mulch in the green state may severely damage garden plants and shrubs because it is in a compost stage. 
  4. During warm weather, green mulch may attract stinging insects. 
  5. During the deterioration process, the mulch may have a strong odor like rotting grass or leaves. It can become extremely hot and may ignite due to spontaneous combustion. 
  6. The mulch will kill grass under it, and stain a driveway. 
  7. The mulch will probably contain stringy material such as small sticks. 
  8. Do not burn wood mulch in any wood-burning stove, fireplace, furnace, etc. 
  9. The mulch will mold and mushrooms may be present. 
  10. Children should not play in the mulch. 


Address (Delivery Site):
I certify that the above is my address, and I have read and understand the Wood Chip Delivery Terms and accept the wood chip load(s) "as is."
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Tree trimming professionals contracted by Hendricks Power Cooperative will perform all tree trimming. These crews are equipped with modern tree trimming equipment and are trained in the latest ANSI A300 pruning standards.




How fast your tree grows by species and proximity to the power lines determines how much clearance is necessary. Fast growing trees such as soft maple, white pine and willow require more clearance than slow growing trees like hard maple, hackberry and spruce.


Yes. Members are contacted by mail and in person. If no one is home, a doorknob card will be left by the contractor working in your area. We also keep our website updated with the locations where we will be working.


If you have any questions, please contact us at (317) 718-7630 or by email at ikemp@hendrickspower.com.