Hendricks Power Participates in 2023 Cooperative Community Day

Community Day Volunteering Collage

Hendricks Power employees participated in the tenth annual ‘Indiana’s Electric Cooperative Community Day’ on Friday, Oct. 13. Twenty co-op employees volunteered time and effort to complete projects for Webberland Baseball Field and West Bridge Community Church. Working side-by-side, these co-op employees demonstrated one of the core cooperative principles: concern for community. 
Volunteers from Hendricks Power, Wabash Power Alliance, and Mission Electric, aerated the outfield and laid new grass seed and hay. Volunteers also beautified the batting cages by painting the interior and exterior along with replacing the existing lighting with new energy-efficient fixtures, converted an overhead line to underground to reduce service interruptions and risk to players, and painted bleachers. 
At West Bridge Church, employees worked to install a wheelchair-accessible ramp for the church’s playground and its accessible equipment. Employees leveled, staked, filled, and smoothed the concrete ramp.
“Investing in the communities we serve is at the forefront of everything we do,” said Heather Thompson, director of marketing, member engagement, and community relations at Hendricks Power Cooperative. Both organizations provide value to our community and we are proud to assist them."
A cooperative’s very reason for existing is to serve its community. Hendricks Power takes its responsibility as a trusted member of this community seriously and is committed to being a benefit to those we serve. In addition to Community Day, Hendricks Power is involved with other philanthropic activities throughout the year. 
You can learn more about Webberland Field on its Facebook page and West Bridge Church at www.westbridgechurchdanville.com
Do you have an idea for a project or a local non-profit that may need some volunteers next fall? Suggest next year's Cooperative Community Day by contacting Heather Thompson at hthompson@hendrickspower.com