Meet Chris Mann
Chris Mann Board Secretary and Area 6 Director


Hendricks Power Board Secretary and Area 6 Director

Where do you live?
I live in Area 6, in the westernmost area of Hendricks Power, which covers the eastern half of Putnam County.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I enjoy spending my free time visiting with my family. I also enjoy being involved with my church, community, and professional organizations.

Hendricks Power Hosts 2023 Annual Meeting
2023 Board of Directors

July 1-20, 2023, Hendricks Power Cooperative hosted its 87th Annual Meeting & Member Appreciation Event on Thursday, July 20, at the Hendricks County 4-H Fairgrounds. The event included a board of directors’ election, an electric vehicle demonstration, a live line safety demonstration, family fun activities, co-op updates, giveaways, and a chance for members to win prizes.

Interested in Becoming an HPC Board Member?

As a cooperative, Hendricks Power is guided by its Board of Directors, which is made up of member-owners like you! Board members are elected by other members in a democratic vote. This year, geographic areas 1, 2, and 3 are up for election.
Due to recent growth, our geographic areas have been updated to better represent and serve our members. The current areas up for election include Guilford, Center, and Lincoln townships in Hendricks County. If you are a Hendricks Power member and reside in these areas, you're eligible to run!

2021 Annual Meeting

July 1-22, 2020, Hendricks Power Cooperative celebrated its 85th Annual Meeting by hosting its first-ever online hybrid board of directors’ election. Cooperative members were invited to cast their vote online via their SmartHub account, drive-thru at the Hendricks Power office or South Putnam High School, or during the Hendricks County 4-H Fair on July 22nd.  Members who registered to vote received a ten-dollar bill credit and a chance to win one of five 500-dollar bill credits.  Members who registered at the fair also received ten dollars in fair bucks to use at any food vendor.