Board of Directors Kevin Miller

Meet Kevin Miller

Our Newest At-Large Board Member

Kevin Miller

Where do you live?
I live in the Northeast area of Putnam County near New Maysville with my wife and two daughters.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I enjoy being outside hunting, fishing, golfing, hiking, and working on projects around our property. My biggest passion is hunting. The best part of hunting or fishing is spending time with my daughters, who also enjoy the outdoors. If I'm not outdoors I'm probably watching a Purdue Basketball game. BOILER UP!

Tell us briefly about your background and what led you to join the board. 
I am the Chief Lending Officer for North Salem State Bank (NSSB) and have been with the bank for almost nine years. Before banking, I was in the insurance industry as an agent and a sales manager for a large portion of Indiana. Both professions have enabled me to grow as a leader and help others with their finances. One of the great benefits of working for NSSB is the ability to be involved in the community and the reward of helping others. Over recent years, I have gotten to know several Hendricks Power leaders and employees through different community events and organizations. I am impressed with their involvement in the community and how the Co-op seems like a family. That is the same feeling I have with NSSB. Seeing the values and culture of Hendricks Power led me to be interested in the board. I want to be involved with organizations that positively impact the community.

Which Cooperative Principle most strongly resonates with you? 
The cooperative principle that resonates most strongly with me is Concern for Community. I feel any business, individual, or non-profit should be concerned for the community and want to make the community stronger and help the members flourish. To me, concern for the community means looking out for others and using our strengths in any way possible to make our community better. 

What do you hope to contribute to the board?
I hope my knowledge of finance, leadership, and commitment to our community will be of value to the co-op and the members we serve. I feel that my experience helps me bring a different perspective to the board.