What Would Halloween Be Without Electricity?

The buzzing and zapping of spooky gizmos like Van de Graaf generators, giant electrodes and lightning rods bring life to Dr. Frankenstein’s castle laboratory — and his monster from the slab. And, through conjured or coincidental lightning strikes, catastrophic electrical malfunctions, or electro-chemical combinations, superheroes like Captain Marvel, Flash, Thor, Magneto, Storm and Black Lightning were born.

FALL DIY Projects
Tools for home improvement

Fall is the perfect time to squeeze in those last-minute home improvement projects to increase your home’s efficiency for the upcoming winter season. Hendricks Power Energy Advisors can help!

Hendricks Power and POWER MOVES offer a variety of rebates for residential and business members alike. Remodels, smart thermostats, water heaters...no matter how big or small your project is, be sure to chat with our energy advisors to ensure you’re not leaving money on the table!