FALL DIY Projects

Tools for home improvement

Fall is the perfect time to squeeze in those last-minute home improvement projects to increase your home’s efficiency for the upcoming winter season. Hendricks Power Energy Advisors can help!

Hendricks Power and POWER MOVES offer a variety of rebates for residential and business members alike. Remodels, smart thermostats, water heaters...no matter how big or small your project is, be sure to chat with our energy advisors to ensure you’re not leaving money on the table!

Money-Saving Advice
Our energy advisors are up-to-date with current energy trends, new technology, and hold accreditations from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the Building Performance Institute (BPI), and those focused on Res­idential Energy Efficiency and Indiana Residential Energy and Building Codes. They are your free resource for any questions you may have while making improvements!

Plans to Increase Efficiency
Are you interested in becoming more energy-efficient with the tools you currently have? Our energy advisors can help you find small opportunities to help you save on your bill. Some recommendations may include adjusting your thermostat or unplugging energy vampires. Our Energy Advisors will create a custom plan on how to make your home or business as efficient as possible. 

Looking to start a project but not sure where to begin? Check out our available residential rebates!