Residential Rate Update

To better reflect the cost of wholesale energy, Hendricks Power will be updating rates for April residential usage, reflected in May 2023 statements

To better reflect the cost of electricity infrastructure and allow members more control and flexibility in their monthly expenses, Hendricks Power will implement a new rate beginning April 1, 2023. In addition to the current On and Off Peak weekday rates, there will now be a Super Off Peak rate. 

The new rate structure will reduce the On Peak times to 5 - 8 pm on weekdays; the Super Off Peak rate will be daily from 11:01 pm - 4:59 am and all remaining time will be Off Peak. The On Peak rate will be $.2106/kWh, Off Peak will be $.1062/kWh, and Super Off Peak will be $.0594/kWh. 

Hendricks Power works diligently to ensure rates are as affordable as possible for members and hasn't increased rates since 2015. Residential members may see an average increase of 8% if there are no changes in current usage habits. Members are encouraged to reduce energy usage from 5 - 8 pm when wholesale power is the most expensive. Hendricks Power also offers the SmartHub app, which allows members to monitor their daily and hourly energy usage. Complimentary energy audits are also available to help members lower their usage and educate them on energy-saving rebate options. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an energy-saving audit, please visit us online at www.hendrickspower.com/energy-advisor or call our office at (317)745-5473. 

Rate Comparison Chart



On Peak rates are changing to better reflect the demand for electricity and the higher cost of purchasing power during that timeframe. We will more accurately pass along the real-time cost of electricity with the new rates and On Peak timeframes being reduced from 5-8 pm on weekdays. 

Super Off Peak is the least expensive time for Hendricks Power to purchase power, so we want to pass the opportunity to save to our members. Super Off Peak is every night from 11 pm - 5 am. We suggest members schedule as much of their usage as possible during this time, with rates being up to 75 percent less expensive than On Peak times.

These rates have changed to better reflect the price of purchased power. Purchasing power while it's in high demand, from 5-8 pm on weeknights, is the most expensive, while Super Off Peak times are the least expensive. Hendricks Power wanted to pass these opportunities to save along to our members.

Based on our third-party rate study, members may see an average statement increase of around 8 percent if there are no changes to their usage habits. Still, there are many variables to consider that impact your statement each month. We encourage members to register for SmartHub on their mobile devices or desktop computer to monitor their usage, set usage alerts, and much more. 

Hendricks Power also offers free energy audits to members to help save energy.

Hendricks Power does everything it can to maintain reliable and affordable rates for our members, which have not increased in eight years. All rate changes are approved by our board of directors, which is made up of member-owners, just like you. 

Prior to this rate update, we conducted an independent third-party rate study to help determine the most strategic change while keeping our members and affordability in mind. 

Learn more about what variables and costs make up your statement balance here.

We encourage members to shift as much energy use to Off Peak and Super Off Peak times to save money. For those who also want to reduce their overall energy use, Hendricks Power also offers free in-depth energy audits where our Energy Advisors will make customized suggestions for your home and family. along with energy savings rebates and incentives.

Making little changes in your home's energy usage can make a big difference. Shifting your hot water and HVAC usage on weeknights from 5-8 pm is probably the easiest and most effective usage change to make the most of this new rate. See the Tips & Tricks above on other suggestions.Shifting usage to Off Peak times can save members up to 50 percent compared to On Peak times. Shifting usage to Super Off Peak times can save members up to 75 percent compared to On Peak times. 

Scheduling energy usage to 11 pm - 5 am when possible and avoiding usage from 5-8 pm on weeknights offers members the most energy savings. 


At this time we do not offer an alternative rate. An optional On Peak Demand rate that may benefit very conscious energy users will be introduced later this year. If you are interested in learning more, please contact our office at (317) 745-5473.

Demand is the highest amount of energy required at one time. For many homes, their Peak Demand falls between 5-8 pm on weeknights when families get home from work and school, and cook dinner, do laundry, etc. Despite homes using their Peak Demand from 5-8 pm, Hendricks Power's infrastructure needs to be able to provide that volume of energy at all times to our members. Learn more about Peak Purchasing and On Peak Demand here.

Hendricks Power purchases power from its wholesale provider, Wabash Valley Power Alliance. The cost of electricity is determined on many variables including fuel costs, power plant costs, weather conditions, regulations, time, and retail pricing. Click here to learn more.


Your HVAC system and water heater are your home's two largest individual users of energy. Making small adjustments to your home's water temperature is one of the quickest ways to shift or save energy. Not taking showers or baths, or running the dishwasher before 8 pm during the week can make a difference in your bill if done routinely.

Adjust your thermostat, especially 5-8 pm on weeknights. Be sure your fans are spinning in the most efficient way for your season! Tip: Summer - counterclockwise, Winter - Clockwise. While you're thinking about it, is it time to change your HVAC filter?  

Washing laundry uses hot water, and your dryer uses more energy than you'd think. Absolutely have to do laundry? Consider washing on cold water or handwashing. 

Small appliances like slow cookers, air fryers, toaster ovens, microwaves, and even waffle irons use significantly less energy than heating your entire oven. Especially in the summer, using your oven makes your HVAC work harder to cool your home's air.

Take time during the weekend to prep larger-scale meals that can be reheated quickly and easily during the week instead of cooking every night. Don't forget, many meals can be frozen and reheated at your convenience. 

Shutting down game consoles, computers, and TVs for just 30 minutes will make a difference if done every night. Saving money and spending quality time with your family? Win-win. 

If you can, schedule your dishwasher to run after 11 pm. Scheduling after 11 pm will save you 75% on your energy costs!

Make plans with friends or family to go see a movie, go to the library, play at the park, etc. after work/school. Be sure to program your thermostat when you're away for the most savings.

Automate, program, and schedule as many things in your home as possible to use minimal energy from 5-8 pm. Your thermostat, water heater, dishwasher, and even washers/dryers can be programmed now. 

When trying to save energy and cut costs, the last thing many of us want to do is invest in more tools. Luckily with technological progressions, there are quite a few affordable options that can help you save energy and will pay for themselves. Look into smart power strips, smart plugs, motion-activated lights, LED lightbulbs, and even something as simple as a clothes line can really help reduce usage and costs!

Download SmartHub on your computer or mobile device. SmartHub allows you to monitor your usage, hour-by-hour, so you can see just how much energy you're using (or saving)! 

If you feel like your bill isn't manageable and you're looking for ways to save energy, we're here to help. We offer free Energy Audits, Smart Hub training, and flexible payment options. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us by phone or email to let us know how we can help. There a re also local nonprofits that offer utility assistance.

Request an Energy Audit

Member Information

Home Information

Home Heating & Cooling

Do you program your thermostat?
Do you have a smart thermostat?
Home Heat Source
Home Cooling Source
Age of HVAC system
What is the depth of insulation in your home (in inches)?
Do you feel any air leaks around your home?


What type of water heater do you have?

Additional Usage

Do you have any of the following?

Energy Audit Scheduling

What would you like to gain from an Energy Audit?
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.


These informational videos were created to help you learn more about about energy efficiency and why the time you use electricity matters. 


As a member-owned not-for-profit electric cooperative, we don’t exist to make money from selling electricity but to provide electricity at the lowest possible rate. That means you benefit from energy-saving programs like POWER MOVES



Use Smart Hub to check your usage, pay your bill, view outage history and receive notifications and updates. You can login here, or download the app


  1. New Year's Day
  2. Memorial Day
  3. Fourth of July
  4. Labor Day
  5. Thanksgiving Day
  6. Christmas Day



  1. Review your daily and hourly electric usage.
  2. Utilize all the features of Smart Hub. 
  3. Recommend ways to shift more electric use to off-peak hours.
  4. Discuss the benefits of smart appliances and thermostats. 
  5. Offer rebates and incentives through POWER MOVES®. 
  6. Help prioritize energy efficiency improvements to your home. 


Energy Advisor Steve Hite can be reached at:
(317) 745-5473 ext. 633


Energy Advisor Andrew Wray can be reached at:
(317) 745-5473 ext. 619