2020 Scholarship Spotlight: Aubree Whicker

Each year, Hendricks Power awards scholarships to local high school seniors. Winners are chosen based on academics, community involvement, and an essay submission. This year's essay prompt was, "Which cooperative principle do you this is most important and why?"

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🎓 Scholarship Winner Spotlight: Aubree Whicker

High School: Cascade High School

College: Cedarville University

Major: Chemistry

Cooperative Principle:

“…One of the most important principles is a cooperative’s concern for the community. Being involved and concerned for the community helps improve business, improve on the other six principles, and strengthen the community. Concern for the community is all about a cooperative giving back, staying involved, and listening to the community’s concerns and needs. Hendricks Power does this through different vents and programs. Some of those include the legislative breakfasts, the Hendricks County Fair sponsor day, the initiative to increase broadband access, scholarships, youth tour, the Touchstone energy camp that they provide students with access to attend, the high voltage safety demonstration, the Youth Power and Hope Awards, Operation Round Up, and much more.”

Wishing you luck in your future endeavors, Aubree! 🎓