With prices rising everywhere, from the grocery store to the pump, it may be an excellent time to get a bit creative in ways to save energy! It may be difficult to understand how or why your yard could be a source of energy savings, but we have a few tips for you on any budget.

Clear and access your space. First thing's first! To better understand your yard and get a fresh start, be sure to trim or remove any dead plants or overgrowth accumulated. Don't forget your transformer (the big green box) in your yard if you have one! Be sure there are no trees or bushes within 4 feet of the sides, and 8 feet of the front opening is essential to ensure reliable electric service to your neighbors.

Consider a small garden. Even the smallest yards can offer plenty of space for fruits, vegetables, and even herbs. Peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, blueberries, and your favorite herbs, including Rosemary, Parsley, and Cilantro, will thrive in the summer months. You can save money by purchasing seeds instead of plants and allowing them to germinate on your south-facing windowsills to transplant later in the season.

Plant trees. Strategically planting trees on your property can reduce solar heat from entering your home. Reducing rays allows your air conditioner to save energy. The best place to plant trees for shade on your property is in the southwest corner, at least 15-20 feet from your home, depending on their mature height. Evergreens are not recommended for shade for efficiency because they will reduce your solar gain in the winter.

Irrigate your yard in cooler times. When running your sprinklers or watering your lawn or garden, be sure you're watering during the cooler times of the day. Watering your yard after getting off work may only seem like a habit, but it saves energy because the cooler weather doesn't cause evaporation to occur as quickly. 

Harness the sun. Many of us have patio lighting, string lighting, and even stake lighting for after the sun goes down. If you haven't already, consider solar options! There are many solar lighting options, so check out Lowes or Amazon when putting the finishing touches on your outdoor escape.  

If you're looking for more ways to make your yard or home more energy-efficient, you can always contact us for a free energy audit at www.hendrickspower.com/energy-advisor.
