In order to provide the reliable service and quality our members expect of Hendricks Power, our teams know that routine maintenance is necessary. Beginning mid-June, we will be performing routine maintenance on our electrical boxes and pad-mounted transformers that may be on your property. Throughout this maintenance, we will be evaluating connections, voltages, and any potential hazards. 


It is imperative that our crews can access your electrical equipment, so it needs to be clear of any objects or landscaping. Our crews require at least 8-feet clearance at the opening side of pad-mounted transformers and approximately four feet of open space at the rear and on the sides of the metal housing. 

Crews need this space to use an eight-foot-long “hot stick” to disconnect the power source on energized pad-mount transformers. Other clearances are necessary to perform other repairs.  


Fences, shrubs, and trees located too close to the pad mount transformers can slow restoration or create a serious safety hazard. If these items are in the way, crews may have to remove them to gain access. Avoid that situation by taking time to plan before planting shrubs or installing a fence near a pad mount. 

Although it may be tempting to try and disguise these big green boxes, we ask members to remove fences, ornamental grasses, shrubs/trees, artificial boulders, etc. that fall within the clearance range.  If our crews are not able to access equipment, we may be forced to remove obstructions that remain to ensure reliable service. Please note, our crews will not be responsible to clear any remaining debris. Please see the example below.


If you find that you have an overgrown shrub or tree near your transformer, be sure to call 811 prior to digging and transplanting. Locators from 811 will be at your location within two business days. Digging near transformers is very dangerous and can result in injury and/or an interruption in service. If you have any questions on this maintenance or what items are appropriate near or around your electrical equipment, call us at (317) 745-5473.



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  1. Call 811 or submit a ticket.
  2. An operator will assist you
  3. Get your ticket number
  4. Wait the required 48 hours so all utilities have adequate time to find and mark the lines
  5. Use care and hand dig within two feet of the buried utility line


If you have any questions, please contact us at (317) 718-7630 or by email at ikemp@hendrickspower.com.